Well I was honoured to meet Catherine McKenzie a few months ago at my local Chapters. We got to chatting about how I have read a few of her books for review and she asked me about my blog. She then asked me to participate in the holiday blog tour for this book. I posted my review for this wonderful book yesterday so check that out too.
Now we have a Q & A with the author. I hope you enjoy and I hope you go out and check out this author because she has some incredible stories for you to read.
1. Where did you come up with the inspiration for this story?
It was a lot of things, really. I've been thinking about the things we leave behind these days - how our electronic footprints might reveal things about us that people didn't know, or want to know. And then there was that mine disaster when those miners were trapped and it turned out that one of the miners had both a wife and a girlfriend, and part of me started wondering how the girlfriend would've ever found out that he was in trouble if not for the publicity. Add a few other things, shake, stir and presto: idea for book.
Now we have a Q & A with the author. I hope you enjoy and I hope you go out and check out this author because she has some incredible stories for you to read.
1. Where did you come up with the inspiration for this story?
It was a lot of things, really. I've been thinking about the things we leave behind these days - how our electronic footprints might reveal things about us that people didn't know, or want to know. And then there was that mine disaster when those miners were trapped and it turned out that one of the miners had both a wife and a girlfriend, and part of me started wondering how the girlfriend would've ever found out that he was in trouble if not for the publicity. Add a few other things, shake, stir and presto: idea for book.
If you're referring to the epilogue, I actually went back and forth on that throughout the drafting process. But I feel like I landed where it needed to.
3. What are your go-to feel good holiday movies?
I'm not a big fan of "traditional" holiday movies (bah humbug!), but I enjoy watching Love, Actually, which always seems to be on this time of year.
4. You are currently doing a challenge on Goodreads to read 52 bestsellers in 52 weeks. What books have been your favourites this year?

I've read some great books this year, for sure. The Comfort of Lies by Randy Susan Myers, The Painted Girls by Cathy Marie Buchanan, Z. A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Walsh and The Banks of Certain Rivers by Jon Harrison to name a few.
5. What are your bookish pet-peeves?
People asking me how I have time to write. I get asked that question A LOT, and while I get while people ask it, it always makes me feel like they think I'm a freak or something. Probably in my head.
6. Any big plans for the holiday season?
Relaxing. Writing. Hanging with family. The best plans.
A great big thank you to Catherine McKenzie for popping by the blog today! Happy Reading!

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