Today is Day 3 of Armchair BEA and today gave bloggers an opportunity to network and meet new bloggers. I am so happy to say that I was able to work with not one but two different bloggers for this interview.

Today I am interviewing Chrystal from Snowdrop Dreams of Books. I follow her blog and it is amazing (you definitley have to check it out if you haven't already). Chrystal is a fellow Canadian and it was fun getting to know her. Here is our interview:
1. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
sassy, crafty, hopeless romantic, dreamer, nerd
(I guess that is six words really LOL)
2. What inspired you to start blogging?
I had found a site quite a few years ago where I reviewed romance books for them and finally I decided that I'd like to review a wider variety or books. I stumbled upon a book blog (All About {n} )while searching for info on a book (can't remember the title) and as soon as I realized that people were really blogging about books they read I jumped right on the bandwagon. *By the way All About N is one of my favourites too- go check it out!*
3. How would you describe your blogging style?
There are times where I am on the ball and have things set to auto post and other times I am flying by the seat of my pants and spazzing that I'm not posting enough or have good quality posts. I'd say that I get a little obsessed with having the perfect looking post and will spend a lot of time making sure it looks just right.
4. What are you top 5 favourite books?
This is a really hard question. There are so many amazing books out there. Hmmm. I would have to go with:
-To Kill A Mockingbird b Harper Lee
-The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
-The Happiness Project by Gretchen Ruben
-anything by Laurie Halse Anderson (Speak, Wintergirls)
-The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa
I have more than this, but right now those are my top. (I'd add Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger too).
5. Paperback, Hardcover or E-Book?
All of the above! I prefer paperback, because I kind of dislike the dustcovers on the hardcover version - I always take them off when I'm reading. I have one author completely in hardcover because that is how I found her books initially and now I just keep collecting them that way to keep them all the same (I'm OCD like that). And well ebooks are fun too - I do have an e-reader and love being able to take multiple books with me - I pretty much use it for the books I get from NetGalley right now.
6. Do you ever find it difficult to balance blogging with your personal/work life?
ALL THE TIME! I am really behind on my TBR pile and books for review. I was just asking other bloggers for tips and tricks to stay organized. It sometimes makes me feel overwhelmed, but I wouldn't give it up for the world - I love reading, reviewing and blogging too much. :) I try to read on my lunch hours and in the evenings before bed. Weekends are easier because I read while doing laundry. And sometimes I listen to audiobooks so I can multitask.
7. What is the best advice you have ever received?
Don't say yes to everything just to try getting your name out there - read only what you love. (I started out saying YES to everything. Boy was that a mistake - I took on too much too fast and from all genres. Now not so much. I only say yes when I can handle it or it's something I'd love to read.)
8. What BEA event do you wish you could attend?
I pretty much wish I could just be there to experience it all - there are so many different things to check out. I'd love to meet a few of my fave authors and bloggers. I'd love to listen to some authors talk about writing.
9. Anything fun planned for the summer?
Not a lot this year - trying to save as much money as we can for the wedding next fall. Might go to the Toronto Zoo, the Hockey Hall of Fame and the Royal Ontario Museum in June. And my sister is having a baby this summer (in July), so I am sure I will be over there all the time helping out with my new nephew! :)
Now I did say that I got to work with two different bloggers. Well, I got to work with another blogger to answer some interview questions. That being said my answers can be found over at The Book Mystress. Don't forget to check it out!
Thanks for the fun interview! :)