Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wicked Game by Lisa Jackson and Nancy Bush

From the Publisher:

It's been 20 years since wild child Jessie Brentwood vanished. Her high school friends believed she ran away. Now, a body has been unearthed on school grounds, and Jessie's old friends find themselves being killed off one by one, in this riveting work of romantic suspense. Original.

My Review:

This book is definitely forgettable. Half the book is about high school friends reuniting to rehash whether their friend Jessie left town or whether she really did die. Another 40% of the book is spent with a series of pointless deaths. The remaining pages of the book attempt to tie the story together but fails miserably. It kind of tells a story of incest and some man who is trying to kill two women who he thinks are the devil spawn but it doesn't really go into too much detail. The book is written by two authors and you can definitely tell when one person is dominating the writing more than the other person. I really disliked this book but felt the need to finish it. I would rate it at most a one out of five.

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